I’m going to cover the 15 shots in the Special Arts discipline here, where you’ll see some things you don’t normally see in pool games like speed shots and hitting moving balls. Click on the pictures to take see the video!

Shot 1A is a speed shot. It’s as much about going fast as it is about controlling the speed of the first ball. Hitting the balls frozen to the rail can be tricky as well, especially with little time to prepare. Shot 1B is another type of speed shot. Again, getting the speed on the 1st ball is critical, then re-adjusting to split the other 2 balls in, but you have a decent margin for error on this part. Shot 1C combines some speed with juggling as the cue ball is re-hit while it’s moving.

Shot 2A is the Over, Around, and Under trick shot. The cue ball jumps over the bridge, goes around the table, and comes back underneath the bridge. Be careful not to elevate too much or hit it too hard, otherwise, the cue ball may jump off the table or jump between the rails throwing it off track. Shot 2B is the Hand Is Quicker Than The Eye shot where the cue stick follows through and hits the second object ball to split the other balls down the table. Shot 2C I first saw Stefano Pelinga do on ESPN’s Trick Shot Magic. It’s important to know where the cue ball will hit the cue stick and how much it will swing out of the way to pocket the last ball.

Shot 3A is a one-handed, jacked up spot shot. There are different methods to shoot this, but it’s still a long ways down the table. Shot 3B is the Over and Under shot where the cue ball jumps over the bridge and draws back underneath. Make sure you’re shooting pretty straight! Shot 3C combines juggling and speed again. It’s known as Easy Button shot since they’d use an Easy Button prop to go around on ESPN. This shot has become pretty easy for a lot of players as they’ve gotten familiar with it.

These shots get a little more funky. Shot 4A are Wing Shots where a ball is rolled down the table and then cut in to the corner pocket. Shot 4B is the 5-4-3 Rush Hour shot where three balls are all flying around the table hitting a different number of rails to each pocket a hanging ball. Finally, shot 4C is a straight up juggling shot with a little more precision added in, which isn’t too bad if the cue ball stays nice and slow.

Shot 5A is a version of Stefano Pelinga’s Jump Hook using fewer spacer balls with the rack. It’s a good stroke shot requiring jump and draw! Shot 5B is a 9 ball speed shot, which has been modified up to 11 balls already, if not more! Perfect speed on the cue ball maximizes the amount of time to make the other balls. Shot 5C was invented by Nick Nikolaidis, so I call it Nick’s weave. It’s one handed juggling of the cue ball, slaloming across the table.
Discipline 1 – Trick and Fancy
Discipline 2 – Special Arts
Discipline 3 – Draw
Discipline 4 – Follow
Discipline 5 – Bank and Kick
Discipline 6 – Stroke
Discipline 7 – Jump
Discipline 8 – Masse